Virtual English Teacher Online, convenience of online learning with a qualified native British teacher. General English, Business English, Exam preparation, Conversation. Free trial lesson. Cursos de ingles online. Clase de prueba gratis
martes, 29 de diciembre de 2015
martes, 22 de diciembre de 2015
lunes, 7 de diciembre de 2015
jueves, 3 de diciembre de 2015
Before particular words and expressions
For other prepositions + noun combinations, see a good dictionary.
at the cinema; at the theatre; at a party; at university
What´s on at the cinema this week?
a book (written) by Dickens; a concerto (composed) by Mozart; a film (directed) by Steven Spielberg (NOT
by car/bike/bus/train/boat/plane/land/sea/air; on foot (but in the car, on the bus etc)
in... opinion
In my opinion, she should have resigned earlier.
in the end (=finally, after a long time)
In the end, I got a visa for Australia.
at the end (=at the point where something stops)
I think the film´s a bit weak at the end.
in pen, pencil, ink etc
Please fill in the form in ink.
in a picture, photo etc (NOT
She looks much younger in this photo.
in the rain, snow etc
I like walking in the rain.
in a suit, raincoat, shirt, skirt, hat etc
Who´s that man in the funny hat?
on page 20 etc (NOT
There is a mistake on page 20.
on the radio; on the TV; on the phone
Is there anything good on TV tonight?
on time (=at the planned time, neither late nor early)
John wants the meeting to start exactly on time.
in time (=with enough time to spare, before the last moment)
He would have died if they had´t got him to the hospital in time.
jueves, 26 de noviembre de 2015
Similes and Metaphors
Similes and Metaphors
A simile is where two things are directly compared because they share a common feature. The word AS or LIKE is used to compare the two words.
eg. The world is like a stage.
A metaphor also compares two things, but it does so more directly WITHOUT using as or like.
eg. The world is a stage.

Learn English with Virtual English Teacher Online
martes, 10 de noviembre de 2015
Phrasal verbs: up and down
Phrasal verbs
Let´s compare up and down:
Put something up (on a wall etc.)
- I put a picture up on the wall.
Take something down (from a wall etc.)
- I didn´t like the picture, so I took it down.
Pick something up
- There was a letter on the floor. I picked it up and looked at it.
Put something down
- I stopped writing and put down my pen.
Turn something up
- I can´t hear the TV. Can you turn it up a bit?
Turn something down
- The oven is too hot. Turn it down to 150 degrees.
Stand up
- Alan stood up and walked out of the room.
Sit down / bend down / lie down
- I bent down to tie my shoelace.

domingo, 25 de octubre de 2015
sábado, 17 de octubre de 2015
Objetivos de Otoño
Virtual English Teacher Online - Maestra Virtual Inglés Online
Proponte usar tu tiempo este otoño, desde el comfort de tu casa o desde la oficina, conecta con estudiantes de todo el mundo en nuestras aulas virtuales, donde ofrecemos un amplio abanico de opciones a la hora de escoger un curso. Visita nuestra pagina web:
viernes, 9 de octubre de 2015
Tenses - Intermediate level - General English
Tenses - Intermediate level - General English
Do you need help with your tenses? please see our notes below:
Notes for Virtual English Teacher Online´s General English students at Intermediate level,
groups I1 & I2, below you will find a breakdown of the past and present tenses:
Past simple (or simple past)
A past verb form that has no auxiliary verb in the affirmative.
Examples: I stopped; You heard; We knew.
Past progressive (or continuous)
A verb form made with was/were + ...ing.
Examples: I was going; They were stopping.
Past perfect
A verb form made with had + past participle.
Examples: I had forgotten; The children had arrived;
She had been working; It had been raining.
The first two examples are simple past perfect; the last two (with had been + ...ing)
are past perfect progressive (or continuous).
are past perfect progressive (or continuous).
Present simple (or simple present)
A present verb form that has no auxiliary verb in the affirmative.
Examples: He goes there often; I know; I like chocolate.
Present progressive (or continuous)
A verb form made with am/are/is + ...ing.
Examples: I am going; she is staying for two weeks.
Present perfect
A verb form made with have/has + past participle*
Examples: I have forgotten; The children have arrived;
I´ve been working all day; It has been raining.
The first two examples are simple present perfect; the last two (with have been +...ing)
are present perfect progressive (or continuous).
are present perfect progressive (or continuous).
*Past participle
A verb form like broken, gone, stopped, which can be used to form perfect tenses and passives**, or as an adjective. (the meaning is not necessarily past, in spite of the name).
A passive verb form is made with be + past participle. Examples: is broken; was told, will be helped (but not breaks, told, will help, which are active verb forms). The subject of a passive verb form is usually the person or thing that is affected by the action of the verb. Compare:
They sent Lucas to prison for five years (active) & Lucas was sent to prison for five years (passive).
Future forms will follow at a later date. If you would like to join in our group lessons and practice your English online, check out our webpage, we have many course options to choose from:
Virtual English Teacher Online
Maestra Virtual Ingles Online
sábado, 3 de octubre de 2015
How we set up online
How we set up online
We were approached recently by a fellow teacher looking to venture online, asking for advice and what our biggest challenges have been in the set up of our online business. It´s very nice to meet fellow teachers and to be able to give each other advice. It´s a great job. Delivering classes online and the convenience of working from home is wonderful, especially when it´s cold outside; the kettle is never far away, remember it´s just as convenient for your students, there are many more pros than cons that have come of our student survey.
In answer to our fellow teacher, our biggest challenge has been the SEOs of our webpage, we tried to do it all ourselves, which was fun but quite challenging at times, we created the webpages ourselves through GoDaddy, we have one in English and the other in Spanish, our links are below, please take a look. They were very simple to do, however our SEOs overcame our capabilities, so we were unsearchable! if you happened to have been looking on google for an English teacher online, you would not have found us, so this has to be our biggest drawback, but definitely not one to stop us, as there is a solution to almost every problem, we just needed to find it! This is however an ongoing battle today. Although there is no shortage of students as English is very much in demand, it´s possible to create a client base through other means.

Finding our classroom platform was quite something too! we had a huge list of possible platforms that were being crossed off for various reasons (be it: connection; screen share options; online blackboard; video and audio share, there were many things to look into that some had and others didn’t), we finally chose Zoom.us and highly recommend them.
We are very pleased to hear that other teachers are looking into the online business, and would recommend that they go ahead. There are many blogs out there which have really good information, that have helped us many a time, where you will see that it really is possible. If there is anything we can do for you, please get in touch; we would be more than happy to help out.
All the best,
Virtual English Teacher Online.
All the best,
Virtual English Teacher Online.
domingo, 20 de septiembre de 2015
martes, 15 de septiembre de 2015
Corporate Finance Vocabulary
Virtual English Teacher Online
Business English courses online, our online group courses start in October, from as little as 9€, sign up today!
#businessenglish #englishonline
martes, 8 de septiembre de 2015
Virtual English Teacher Online - Group Courses
Maestra Virtual Inglés Online
Conecta con otros estudiantes en nuestro aula virtual, aprende inglés con una maestra nativa británica online, desde tan solo 5€ la clase. Nuestros grupos formados en distintos niveles y horarios están disponibles para inscribirse, desde General English a Business English tenemos el curso para ti.
Virtual English Teacher Online
General English
General English courses are being formed, we have time slots to choose from. Achieve your desired level in English, with a qualified native British teacher.
Sign up to our group clases from as little as 5€. |
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Nuestros cursos de inglés general están siendo formados, tenemos horarios de donde escoger. Consigue tu nivel de inglés deseado, con una maestra cualificada nativa británica.
Inscríbete a nuestras clases en grupo desde tan solo 5€. |
lunes, 7 de septiembre de 2015
¿Como funcionan los cursos a través del aula virtual?
Buscamos crear una atmosfera de aula online, ¿como planeamos hacer esto? con nuestro aula virtual, donde todos nos encontraremos de todas partes del mundo.
Queremos alcanzar todos los rincones del mundo para unirse a nuestras clases en grupos multi-culturales. Desde tan solo 5€ tenemos cursos de donde escoger, en un horario a convenir.
Lo que ofrecemos es un curso completo, a un precio accesible en un sitio y hora conveniente para ti. La localización depende de ti! y tenemos muchas franjas horarias de donde escoger.
Vamos a ver un ejemplo, nuestro curso de General English, usando libros de texto Oxford, lo cual estudiaremos para lograr alcanzar nuestro nivel deseado, de niveles principiantes a C1. Digamos que lo vamos a tomar enserio y apuntarnos a un curso entero de año escolar. Esta opción nos ofrece un curso de 120 clases de longitud, durante 40 semanas, que serán 3 clases por semana de 50 minutos. Escogemos las 8 de la tarde, los lunes, miércoles y viernes.
Ahora lo que tenemos que hacer es entrar en las clases de grupo, donde aprenderemos y participaremos en clase, a través de nuestro punto de encuentro Zoom_us.
Con Zoom_us puedes crear una cuenta gratis y usar la aplicación desde cualquier punto. Digamos que llegas tarde del trabajo y estas sentado en un tren, aun tienes 10 minutos antes de poder llegar a tu ordenador, no te preocupes! puedes entrar desde el móvil, estar presente y tomar notas, puedes participar sin ningun problema, solo que pensamos que es mejor desde una pantalla mas grande lo ante posible, ya que veras documentos y compañeros sin tener que esforzar la mirada, aunque el servicio sigue siendo igual de bueno.
¿Entonces como pagamos? Una vez al mes por adelantado, clases tomadas ese mes a 5€ por clase, digamos en septiembre empezamos el 16, eso significa que habra 7 clases, un total de 35€. En octubre, como es mes entero, habrán 13 clases, un total de 65€, esto depende en clases a tomar ese mes. Solo clases a tomar serán cobrados.
Vamos a ver lo que vale el curso entero, un total de 120 clases a 5€, un total de 600€ para el curso de un año. Si quieres pagar el coste del curso entero por adelantado recibirás un 10% de descuento, lo cual significa que podrás aprender desde tan solo 4.50€ por clase.
Una vez acordado las clases en grupo, estos no podrán ser cancelados ya que la clase en grupo continuara a ir adelante, tenemos que atender clase para poder avanzar y practicar con nuestros compañeros de clase. El hecho de que sea online y podamos acceder desde cualquier punto del mundo hace prácticamente imposible fallar.
¿Que podemos conseguir? En este curso de General English, lo cual hemos usado de ejemplo, podemos lograr los niveles CEF A1 a C1.
Todo esto desde el comfort de tu casa, desde la oficina o mientras viajas.
¿A que esperas? Inscríbete con estudiantes de todo el mundo y participa juntos en nuestra misión de aprender inglès con Maestra Virtual Inglès Online.
Queremos alcanzar todos los rincones del mundo para unirse a nuestras clases en grupos multi-culturales. Desde tan solo 5€ tenemos cursos de donde escoger, en un horario a convenir.
Lo que ofrecemos es un curso completo, a un precio accesible en un sitio y hora conveniente para ti. La localización depende de ti! y tenemos muchas franjas horarias de donde escoger.
Vamos a ver un ejemplo, nuestro curso de General English, usando libros de texto Oxford, lo cual estudiaremos para lograr alcanzar nuestro nivel deseado, de niveles principiantes a C1. Digamos que lo vamos a tomar enserio y apuntarnos a un curso entero de año escolar. Esta opción nos ofrece un curso de 120 clases de longitud, durante 40 semanas, que serán 3 clases por semana de 50 minutos. Escogemos las 8 de la tarde, los lunes, miércoles y viernes.
Ahora lo que tenemos que hacer es entrar en las clases de grupo, donde aprenderemos y participaremos en clase, a través de nuestro punto de encuentro Zoom_us.
Con Zoom_us puedes crear una cuenta gratis y usar la aplicación desde cualquier punto. Digamos que llegas tarde del trabajo y estas sentado en un tren, aun tienes 10 minutos antes de poder llegar a tu ordenador, no te preocupes! puedes entrar desde el móvil, estar presente y tomar notas, puedes participar sin ningun problema, solo que pensamos que es mejor desde una pantalla mas grande lo ante posible, ya que veras documentos y compañeros sin tener que esforzar la mirada, aunque el servicio sigue siendo igual de bueno.
¿Entonces como pagamos? Una vez al mes por adelantado, clases tomadas ese mes a 5€ por clase, digamos en septiembre empezamos el 16, eso significa que habra 7 clases, un total de 35€. En octubre, como es mes entero, habrán 13 clases, un total de 65€, esto depende en clases a tomar ese mes. Solo clases a tomar serán cobrados.
Vamos a ver lo que vale el curso entero, un total de 120 clases a 5€, un total de 600€ para el curso de un año. Si quieres pagar el coste del curso entero por adelantado recibirás un 10% de descuento, lo cual significa que podrás aprender desde tan solo 4.50€ por clase.
Una vez acordado las clases en grupo, estos no podrán ser cancelados ya que la clase en grupo continuara a ir adelante, tenemos que atender clase para poder avanzar y practicar con nuestros compañeros de clase. El hecho de que sea online y podamos acceder desde cualquier punto del mundo hace prácticamente imposible fallar.
¿Que podemos conseguir? En este curso de General English, lo cual hemos usado de ejemplo, podemos lograr los niveles CEF A1 a C1.
Todo esto desde el comfort de tu casa, desde la oficina o mientras viajas.
¿A que esperas? Inscríbete con estudiantes de todo el mundo y participa juntos en nuestra misión de aprender inglès con Maestra Virtual Inglès Online.
How do courses through a virtual classroom work?

We are reaching out to all corners of the world, to join in our multi-cultural group classes. From as little as 5€, we have courses to choose from, at a timetable convenient for you.
What we are offering is a complete course, at an accessible price, in a convenient place and at a convenient time. The location is up to you! we have many time slots to choose from.
Let´s look at an example: our General English course, using Oxford course books, we will achieve our desired level, from levels beginner to C1. So let´s say we take things seriously and sign up for a full length course, the duration of 40 weeks, which would be 3 lessons per week for 50 minutes per lesson. We have chosen the time slot of 8pm, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.
Now all we need to do is log into our group class each time we are scheduled, where we will all participate and learn in class, through our meeting point Zoom_us.
With Zoom_us you can create an account free of charge and use this application from wherever you are. Say you are running late from work and are sat on the train, you still have 10 minutes before you can reach your computer, don't panic! you can log in from your phone, be present and take notes, you can still participate fully, only we think it is best to log in from a larger screen as soon as possible, as you will view documents and classmates without having to squint, although it is just as good a service.
So how do you pay? Once a month in advance, lessons to be taken that month are charged at 5€ per lesson, so say in September we start on 16th, this means there will be 7 lessons, a total of 35€. In October, as it is a full month, there will be 13 lessons, a total of 65€, this would vary depending on lessons due per month, only lessons to be taken that month will be charged.
So let´s look at how much it is for the entire course, which is a total of 120 clases at 5€, a total of 600€ for the year length course, if you would like to pay in full, in advance, you will receive a 10% discount, which means you could learn from as little as 4.50€ a lesson.
Once agreed to the group lessons, these cannot be cancelled as the group lesson will still go ahead regardless, so we must attend class in order to advance and practice with our classmates. The fact that our classroom is virtual and we are able to join from anywhere, makes it practically impossible to fail.
What can we achieve? In this General English course that we have used as an example, we can achieve the CEF levels A1-C1.
All this from the comfort of your home, or even at the office or on the go.
So what are you waiting for? Sign up with fellow students from around the world and join in on our mission to learn English, at Virtual English Teacher Online.
lunes, 31 de agosto de 2015
Mira nuestra nueva pagina web
General English, Business English, Conversation, Exam Preparation
English courses online at Virtual English Teacher Online
General English, Business English, Conversation, Exam Preparation
English courses online at Virtual English Teacher Online
Our group clases are due to start soon, sign up to join in from as little as 5€
Nuestras clases en grupo están a punto de comenzar, inscríbete desde tan solo 5€
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